How do I drop a Canvas Network or Catalog course or program?
Catalog users (including users of Canvas Network) can drop course or program listing enrollments from their Student Dashboard.
If a listing has specific start and end dates, it can only be dropped between those dates. Listings with open-ended dates can be dropped at any time. If a listing, or your enrollment status in a listing has concluded, you can no longer drop the listing.
Listings can only be dropped if you enrolled directly through your institution's Catalog. If you were manually added by an instructor or admin, you must contact them to request that they remove you from the course or program.
Open Student Dashboard

Click the User drop-down menu [1]. Then click the Student Dashboard link [2]
Open In Progress Listings

To open listings you have started, click the In Progress tab [1].
To open listings that you have not yet started, click the Not Completed tab [2].
Note: You can not drop a completed listing.
Drop Course or Program
Locate the course or program and click the Settings icon [1]. Then, click the Drop Program (or Course) link [2].
Confirm Drop

A confirmation window displays.
To confirm the action, click the Drop button.