How do I create a custom users report in Catalog Analytics?
As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can search and filter user data to generate custom reports in the Analytics page.
Note: Enrollments that are not added to a course through the Catalog enrollment page are not included in catalog analytics.
Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
Search Users
Click the Users tab [1].
To search users, type all or part of a search parameter in the Search field [2].
To search order data using filters, click the Filters button [3].
By default, a Registration Date filter may be set. To delete the filter and view all users, click the Registration Date button [4].
Filter Users

To filter by catalog, click the Catalog drop-down menu and select a catalog to include in the search [1]. Repeat with additional catalogs.
To filter by student, click the Student field [2]. Then, enter all or part of a student name and in the list, and click the student name [3].
Select Enrollments Filters

To expand the filter window to display user enrollments filters, click the Expand Enrollments icon [1].
To filter by number of user enrollments, click the Enrollment Count indicators [2].
To filter the users last enrollment date by a time frame, click the Last Enrollment Date drop-down and select a time frame [3]. To use a custom time frame, select the Custom option. Then, type the start and end dates in the From and To fields [4]. Alternatively, to select a date from the calendars, click a calendar icon [5].
Select Registration Filters

To expand the filter window to display user registration filters, click the Expand Registrations icon [1].
To filter the users registrations by a time frame, select a time frame from the Registration Date drop-down menu [2]. To use a custom time frame, select the Custom option. Then, type the start and end dates in the From and To fields [3]. Alternatively, to select a date from the calendars, click a calendar icon [4].
To filter by user registration method, click the Registered Through drop-down menu [5]. Then select the Canvas or Catalog option [6].
Apply or Delete Filters

To apply the selected filters, click the Apply button [1].
To save selections without applying and return to the Listings page, click the Cancel button [2].
To delete selections and return to the default settings, click the Reset Defaults button [3].
View Filtered Data
When filters are applied, the list displays in the table [1]. To sort a table column in alphabetic or numerical order, locate the header for that column and click the Sort selector [2].
All columns in the table do not display at the same time. To display additional column headers, click the Expand icon [3]. To view additional columns, click and drag the horizontal scrollbar [4].
Summary data for the filtered list displays [5].
To delete a selected filter, click the filter name icon [6].
To search for an item in the filtered list, enter all or part of a search parameter in the Search field [7].