How do I use the Student Dashboard in Catalog?
When you log in to Canvas Catalog, you can view your enrolled or wait listed courses and programs in the Student Dashboard.
The Student Dashboard displays your enrolled courses by status, and allows you to access the Catalog listings to enroll in additional courses or programs.
- Canvas Catalog admins can restrict students from viewing a course before and after the set course dates. If you do not see a course in your Student Dashboard before or after the set course dates, it may have been hidden by the Catalog admin.
- The appearance of the Catalog Listings page may vary depending on the platform version or any custom styling applied through website code, such as CSS, JS, or HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
Open Student Dashboard

Click the User drop-down menu [1]. Then click the Student Dashboard link [2].
View Dashboard
In the Student Dashboard, the In Progress tab displays by default [1].
To view your completed listings, click the Completed tab [2].
To view expired, archived, dropped, and not yet started listings, click the Not Completed tab [3].
To view wait listed listings, click the Wait List tab [4].
To view, download, or print a PDF of your Learner Transcript, click the PDF Transcript button [5].
View In Progress Listings

The In Progress tab displays your enrolled programs in the Programs section [1], and your enrolled courses in the Courses section [2].
In progress listings are organized in descending order from most to least complete. If no listings are currently in progress, all listings are organized alphabetically by title.
View Program Details
In the Programs section, each listing displays the Program icon [1].
The listing displays the program name, date started, and length of the program (if set) [2], followed by a description of the program [3].
If a program includes credit, the cumulative number of credits for all courses in the program displays [4].
If a certificate is available, the certificate name displays [5].
View Course Details

In the Courses section, each listing displays the Course icon [1].
The listing displays the course name, date started, and length of the course (if set) [2], followed by a description of the course [3].
If a course includes credit, the number of credits awarded for completion displays [4].
If a certificate is available, the certificate name displays [5].
Depending on the course design, the listing may display a progress bar [6].
To open an available course, click the Go To Course button [7].
To drop a course, click the Settings icon [8].
- Only courses designed with module requirements display a progress bar.
- Courses with module requirements display a Go to Course button; others display a Begin Course button.
- Courses you have started display a Resume Course button.
View Program Requirements
By default, all courses included in a program display in expanded form in the Requirements list. To collapse the list, click the Requirements drop-down [1].
If a course is not yet available, the course image displays a lock icon [2].
Note: If all required courses in the program display the Begin Course button, you may complete the courses in any order.
View Completed Listings
To view your completed courses and programs, click the Completed tab [1].
Completed listings display based on completed date, and are then organized alphabetically by title.
You can view the course or program completion date [2] and the certificate of completion (if any) [3].
You can also review a completed course [4].
View Not Completed Listings
To view your expired, archived, dropped, and not yet started listings, click the Not Completed tab [1].
Expired courses display an expiration date [2]. To review an expired course, click the Review Course button [3].
Archived courses display an Archived icon [4], and dropped courses display a Dropped icon [5].
View Wait Listed Listings
To view listings where you have added your name to a wait list, click the Wait List tab [1].
Wait listed listings display the course or program name [2] and your enrollment status [3].
To remove your name from a wait list, locate the listing and click the Remove icon [4].
- The Wait List tab only displays if you have added your name to a wait list.
- When a spot becomes available, if the course is free, you will automatically be enrolled in the listing and the course or program will display in the In Progress tab. For paid courses, you will receive an email with instructions on how to finalize registration. Learn more about adding your name to the wait list.
View Transcript

To view a transcript of all of your current and concluded programs and courses, click the PDF Transcript link. The transcript shows all enrollment information as displayed in your In Progress and Completed Catalog tabs.
View Catalog

To access your institution's course catalog at any time, click your institution's logo [1].
Alternatively, you can click the Course Catalog link [2].
View Canvas Credentials Listings
If your institution enables the Canvas Credentials integration, you can view listings with badges in your institution's Catalog.
You can view listings with badges on the storefront page [1]. After opening the listing you can view the badges in more detail by click the Badges Available link [2].
View Canvas Credentials Pathways
If your institution enables the Canvas Credentials integration, you can view pathways in the listing details page in your institution's Catalog.
To view a pathway in the listing details page, open the listing and click the Pathways tab.
Filter Canvas Credentials Pathways

In the storefront, you can filter courses and programs with pathways by selecting the Pathways checkbox [1] and clicking the Apply button [2].