How do I enable the Canvas Credentials integration for a catalog?
As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can enable the Canvas Credentials integration for a catalog or subcatalog.
- By default, the integration is disabled.
- The integration is available for Root and Subcatalog levels.
- The integration is only available with the paid version of Canvas Credentials.
- The integration is available for both the Old and New Storefronts.
- For more information about Canvas Credentials, visit What is Canvas Credentials?
- The appearance of the Catalog Listings page may vary depending on the platform version or any custom styling applied through website code, such as CSS, JS, or HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
Enable Canvas Credentials Integration
In Catalog Settings, click the Credentials tab [1].
By default, the Canvas Credentials integration is toggled off.
To enable the integration, click the Enable Canvas Credentials integration toggle on [2].