How do I create custom email templates for a catalog or subcatalog?
As an admin, you can create custom email templates for catalogs and subcatalogs in your account. If email templates are not created for a subcatalog, it inherits the parent catalog templates.
Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
Open Customizations

Click the Customizations tab.
View Email Customization Options

The catalog's email customization links display in the sidebar menu. You can create the following email templates:
- Registration Email [1]: sent when a user successfully registers for a Catalog account.
- Enrollment Email [2]: sent when a user is successfully enrolled in a catalog course or program.
- Listing Completion Email [3]: sent when a student completes all course or program requirements.
- Failed Payment Email [4]: sent when a user's payment is not processed.
- Certificate Email [5]: sent when a student receives a certificate after completing course or program listing requirements.
- Waitlist Invite Email [6]: sent when a waitlisted student can enroll in a course or program.
- Enrollment Invite Email [7]: sent when someone invites a user to a course or program purchased in bulk.
- Bulk Purchase Email [8]: sent when a user claims multiple seats through bulk purchase.
Open Email Template
Locate the email template you want to create, and click the email template link [1].
Then, click the Create Email button [2].
Create Email Template
View the template email name and description [1].
Add the email subject in the Subject field [2].
Enter the title that appears at the top of the email in the Headline field [3].
Create the body of the email in the text editor [4]. Learn about using the email text editor.
Enter a name for the call-to-action button that displays at the bottom of the email in the Action Button Text field [5].
Open Email Preview

Click the Preview button.
View Email Preview

View the email in the Preview Email window [1]. To close the preview window, click the Close button [2].
Send Test Email

Click the Send Email button.
Send Email

Your email address displays [1]. Click the Send Email button [2].
Save Email

To save your email template as a draft, click the Save Draft button [1].
To save and publish your email template, click the Save & Publish button [2].
View Saved Email Notification

After you successfully save and publish the email template, Catalog displays a Saved Email notification.