How do I manage catalog promotions?
As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can manage all promotions in Canvas Catalog on the Promotions page. The Promotions page shows an overview and status of all available promotion codes. From the Promotions page, you can add, edit, or delete promotions.
Note: Promotions only apply to listings with an enrollment fee.
Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
View Promotions
By default, promotions display by name in alphabetic order. To sort the list by a different parameter, click a column header name [1].
To search for a promotion, enter all or part of the promotion name in the Search field [2].
Manage Promotion
To edit a promotion, click the Edit button [1]. Alternatively, you can click the promotion name link [2].
Edit Promotion

To apply the promotion to a different catalog, click the Catalog drop-down menu [1].
Promotion codes can be applied to all listings, or to a specific listing. To select a different code type, click the Promotion Code Type drop-down menu [2].
To change the usage available for the promotion, click the Usage drop-down menu [3].
To change the promotion name, enter a new name in the Name field [4].
Promotion discounts can be set to a currency or percentage amount. To edit the promotion type, click the Type drop-down menu [5]. To edit the currency or percentage amount, click the Amount indicator [6].
To edit the start and end dates for the promotion, enter new dates in the Start Date and End Date fields [7].
To enter a custom promotion code, enter a code in the Promotion Code field [8]. To use an auto-generated promotion code, click the Generate Promotion Code link [9].
To save changes, click the Save button [10].