How do I integrate Google Analytics with my institution's Canvas Catalog?
As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can integrate Google Analytics with your root catalog by adding your Google Analytics ID to the Catalog Info page settings.
- Google Analytics IDs can only be added at the root account and to the root Catalog. Google Analytics cannot be integrated in a subcatalog.
- To integrate Google Analytics, you must know your Google Analytics Measurement ID or UA ID.
Open Admin
Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
View Catalog Info
In the Catalog Navigation menu, the Catalog Info tab displays by default.
Enter Google Analytics ID
Enter the Google Analytics ID in the Google Analytics Tracking/Measurement ID field [1]. Then, click the Save button [2].
Note: Google Analytics IDs can only be added at the root account and to the domain Catalog. Google Analytics cannot be integrated in a subcatalog.