Canvas Guides (English)CatalogCatalog GuideAdmins - CatalogHow do I view the Catalog Analytics page?

How do I view the Catalog Analytics page?

As a Canvas Catalog admin, you can view and manage catalog data and generate custom reports in the Analytics page. Tabs in the Analytics page allow you to view summary and detailed data for listings, enrollments, orders, and users.

Catalog data can be viewed in both chart and list views in the Analytics page.  

Note: Enrollments that are not added to a course through the Catalog enrollment page are included in Catalog analytics only if the two are synced. 

Open Admin

Open Admin

Click the User Name link [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].

Open Analytics

Open Analytics

Click the Analytics tab.

View Analytics

View Analytics (new)

Category tabs for Listings, Enrollments, Orders, and Users display [1].

Filters may be selected by default. To delete filters and view all listings, click the filter label [2].

To search for a specific item on a page, type all or part of an item name in the Search field [3].

Details for each category displays in a table [4].

By default, only the first several columns display in a table. To display additional columns, click the Toggle table width icon [5]. Alternatively, to view additional columns, use the horizontal scroll bar [6].

To sort a table by a column in alphabetical or numerical order, click the Order icon for the header name [7]. To reverse the sort order, click the Order icon again.

To display data in a chart view, click the Chart button [8].

View Listings Tab

View Listings Tab

In Analytics, the Listings tab opens by default [1].

Summary data displays [2]. The following data is available:

  • Number of used promotions
  • Total revenue
  • Total number of listings
  • Total number of listings open for enrollment

The following data displays in the Listings table [3]:

  • Listing - listing name link and listing number
  • Canvas Course ID - course ID number in Canvas LMS (if applicable)
  • Catalog - home catalog for the course
  • Listing Status - status of the listing
  • Creation Date - month, day, year, and time listing was created
  • Certificate - yes or no, indicating whether the listing offers a certificate
  • Enrollment Count - number of students enrolled
  • Completion Count - number of students who completed
  • Dropped Count - number of students who dropped
  • List Price - list price for registration (if applicable)
  • Promotion - promotion code (if applicable)
  • Discount - amount of promotional discount applied (if applicable)
  • Revenue - net amount earned on registrations after discounts are applied


View Listings Chart

View LIstings Chart

To view listings data as a chart, click the Chart button [1].

The x-axis displays the date [2], and the y-axis displays the listings created on that date [3].

View Enrollments Tab

View Enrollments Tab

Click the Enrollments tab [1].

Summary data displays [2]. The following data is available:

  • Total enrollments
  • Active enrollments
  • Completed enrollments
  • Dropped enrollments

The following data displays in the Enrollments table [3]:

  • Student - name, student ID, and email address
  • Catalog - home catalog for the listing
  • Listing - listing name link and listing number
  • Listing Status - status of the listing
  • Canvas Course ID - course ID number in Canvas LMS (if applicable)
  • Enrollment Date - month, day, year, and time student enrolled
  • Status - current course status for the student
  • Certificate - a clickable link to download or print a certificate of completion (if available), or indication of certificate availability


  • To search and filter enrollments data, click the Filters button [4].
  • User defined field information for registrations completed outside of Catalog displays in the Enrollments table only.
  • Both summary and table data are based on filters and search criteria.

View Enrollments Chart

View Enrollments Chart

To view enrollment data as a chart, click the Chart button [1].

The x-axis displays the date [2], and the y-axis displays the enrollments created on that date [3].

View Orders Tab

View Orders Tab

Click the Orders tab [1].

Summary data displays [2]. The following data is available:

  • Total revenue
  • Total number of transactions
  • Total number of promotional discounts available

The Orders table displays purchase-related data and revenue, or data related to free courses [3]. The following data is available:

  • Purchaser - name, Canvas ID number, and email address of the purchaser
  • Catalog - home catalog for the listing
  • Listing - listing name link and listing number
  • Listing Status - status of the listing
  • Canvas Course ID -  course ID in Canvas LMS (if applicable)
  • Bulk Purchase - indicates whether or not the order was part of a bulk purchase, with link to students who enrolled
  • Purchase Date - month, day, year, and time of purchase
  • Order ID - order number
  • Reference ID - reference number (If applicable)
  • List Price - list price for registration (if applicable)
  • Promotion - promotion code (if applicable)
  • Discount - promotional discount applied (if applicable)
  • Revenue - net revenue from registrations after discounts are applied (if applicable)
  • Last Modified - if revenue has been modified, you can view modification details.


View Orders Chart

View Orders Chart

To view orders data as a chart, click the Chart button [1].

The x-axis displays the date [2], and the y-axis displays the revenue recorded on that date [3].

View Users Tab

View Users Tab

Click the Users tab [1].

The following summary data displays [2]:

  • Total Students - total number of registered students (not newly registered) in the time period defined by the filter
  • Active Students - total number of registered students with at least one active (not completed) enrollment
  • New Students - total number of newly registered students who have not yet enrolled

The Users table displays registration data for all students [3]. The following data is available:

  • Student - user name, Canvas ID number, and email address of the user
  • Registered Through - name of catalog or Canvas, indicating registration method
  • Registration Date - month, day, year, and time of the user's first registration
  • Enrollment Count - number of listings for which the user has registered
  • Last Enrollment Date - month, day, year, and time of the user's most recent registration
  • Location - location of user's registration
  • Transcript - clickable link to download the user transcript


  • To search and filter user data, click the Filters button [4].
  • User defined field information for registrations completed within Catalog displays in the Users table. For all other registrations, user defined field information displays in the Enrollments table only.
  • Both summary and table data are based on filters and search criteria.

View Users Chart

View Users Chart

To view user data as a chart, click the Chart button [1].

The x-axis displays the date [2], and the y-axis displays the users registered on that date [3].

Export CSV

Export CSV

To export a custom report of the data displaying in a table, click the Export CSV button [1].

The confirmation banner displays [2]. A link to the requested file is sent to the email address for the account.