Canvas Guides (English)CatalogCatalog GuideAdmins - CatalogHow do I view and manage user defined fields for my catalogs?

How do I view and manage user defined fields for my catalogs?

As a Catalog admin, you can view and manage user defined fields in your catalogs and subcatalogs. User defined fields allow you to customize the information you gather during new user registration in addition to the default fields of Full Name and Email.

Learn more about adding user defined fields to your catalogs and subcatalogs.

Learn more about viewing user defnied field information for catalog registrations.

You can export user defined fields using the Catalog API.


  • By default, user defined fields created in a parent catalog are applied to all subcatalogs. Custom user defined fields can be added to a subcatalog when the default setting is disabled.
  • By default, information in user defined fields is only collected during new user registrations. To allow user defined fields to display when existing users enroll in a course, you can enable user defined fields for all enrollments.

Open Admin

Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].

Open Catalogs

Open Catalogs

Click the Catalogs tab.

Open Catalog

Open Catalog

Click the catalog or subcatalog name link.

View Fields

View Fields

Click the User Defined Fields tab [1]. User defined field information displays in the header [2].  

Re-Order Fields

Re-order fFelds

To re-order a field click the Action icon [1].

To move the field up one spot, click the Move Up option [2].

To move the field to the top of the list, click the Move to Top option [3].

To move the field down one spot, click the Move Down option [4]

To move the field to the bottom of the list, click the Move to Bottom option [5].

Edit Fields

Edit or Delete Fields

To edit a field, click the Action icon [1]. Then, click the Edit link [2].

View Edit Window

In the Edit User Defined Field window, use the drop-down menu and text fields to make desired changes [1].

To save changes, click the Save button [2].

Delete Fields

Delete Fields

To permanently delete a field, click the Actions icon [1]. Then, click the Delete link [2].

The deletion confirmation window displays.

To confirm deletion, click the Delete button.

Note: Deletion is permanent, deleted items can not be recovered.