Canvas for Elementary FAQ

This document includes some of the most frequently asked questions about Canvas for Elementary.

How do I enable Canvas for Elementary?

Admins can enable the Canvas for Elementary setting for specific sub-accounts. View how to enable Canvas for Elementary in a sub-account.

Can I enable Canvas for Elementary for secondary school (6-12) sub-accounts?

Canvas for Elementary is intended for K-5 users; however, it can be enabled for any institution's sub-account.

When will upcoming features be available?

See Canvas for Elementary Releases for the projected feature release timeline.

Are all features available in the Canvas Student App?

The Canvas Mobile team is working to provide as many of these features as possible within the Canvas Student app. Please watch the Canvas for Elementary group for updated information, mobile designs, and release timelines.

We recommend that every instructor have a dedicated course for their Homeroom. Once a course is designated as a homeroom course, functionality is limited to the items that are needed to manage the content on the dashboard.

We also recommend that instructors have a separate course for every subject that they teach so they display as a subject card on the dashboard for students. This will help the instructor to keep their content and grading organized and will help focus students.

We recommend having separate courses for each subject. To create separate courses in Canvas, keep student enrollments current and allow instructors to manage course subject content. Provision data from your SIS to have separate courses or sections sync from your SIS to Canvas for each subject if possible. If you are not able to sync from your SIS, you may be able to create courses manually if allowed by your institution's Canvas admin. If course subjects are created manually, course enrollments must be managed manually as well. However, we are exploring options to help manage enrollments automatically.

How do I designate homeroom courses when importing SIS files?

When importing a courses csv file, you can designate homeroom courses using a "homeroom_course" column.

Does Canvas for Elementary work with blueprint courses?

Yes. Individual subject courses can be synced with a blueprint course. We recommend creating the blueprint course in a sub-account that has Canvas for Elementary enabled so you can use student view and/or act as a student. When using a blueprint course as a homeroom, be sure to enable the homeroom setting.

How are subject cards created on the Homeroom Dashboard?

Subject cards are created for published subjects in which a student is enrolled.

Can students view manually-created courses on the Homeroom Dashboard?

If the course has been published and the student is enrolled in the course, it displays on the Homeroom Dashboard.

How do I designate a course as the homeroom course?

A course can be designated as the homeroom course in course settings. View how to designate a course as the homeroom course.

Can Canvas for Elementary courses be taught by various instructors?

Yes. Course subjects can be taught by one or multiple instructors.

How will instructors view changes in a Canvas for Elementary course?

For the time being, not much will change from the instructor view. Canvas for Elementary course instructors can use student view to see what displays for students.

How long does a Homeroom or Subject announcement display?

The Homeroom and subject pages display the most recent Homeroom or subject announcement, if one has been added in the last two weeks. Previously posted announcements can be accessed using the Previous button.

Can I use module prerequisites and requirements for a Canvas for Elementary subject?

Yes. All prerequisites, requirements, and availability dates will be honored if set.

What conferencing tools are supported in the Schedule tab?

In future updates, instructors can add online class meetings to the schedule. Our goal is to support as many tools as possible with this functionality, including Zoom, Teams, Google Meet, and BBB.

Where will LTI tools linked in course navigation appear in Canvas for Elementary subjects?

In future updates, LTI tools that typically show in the Course Navigation will show as a tab in that subject.

How are resources added to the Dashboard Resources tab?

The Important Info section is populated by the homeroom teacher (instructor). LTI tools enabled for the sub-account will display to students in the Student Applications section.

If content is not added to the Important Info section, the Important Info section does not display. Similarly, if LTI tools have not been enabled, the Student Applications section does not display.

How are important dates determined?

Instructors can use the Mark as important date and show on homeroom sidebar checkbox to designate an assignment, graded discussion, quiz, and subject event as an important date. Important date items display in the Homeroom sidebar. Differentiated assignments marked with an important date display the due date assigned to the student in the Homeroom sidebar.

How are items completed in the schedule?

Online assignments are checked off as soon as the assignment is submitted. On paper and no submissions assignments must be manually checked off in the schedule by the student.

Can I hide the Grades tab in a subject or on the Homeroom Dashboard?

Instructors can hide a subject's Grades tab using course navigation settings. Once a subject's Grades tab has been hidden, grades for that subject do not display on the Homeroom Grades tab.

If the Grades tab is removed for all subjects a student is enrolled in, the Homeroom Grades tab does not display.

Can I hide the Resources tab in a subject or on the Homeroom Dashboard?

The Resources tab cannot be hidden on the Homeroom Dashboard.

A subject's Resources tab is automatically hidden if the subject does not include any external applications and does not have information included in the Important Info section.