How do I organize my ePortfolio pages?
You can organize your ePortfolio pages within your sections. You can also rename, reorder, and move pages.
Open ePortfolios

In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], then click the ePortfolios link [2].
Open ePortfolio

Click the title of the ePortfolio.
Organize/Manage Pages

Click the Organize/Manage Pages link.
Manage Pages

You can organize your ePortfolio pages in the menu.
To rename a page, click the name of the page and type the new name in the field [1].
To reorder a page, hover over the page name and wait for the cross arrows to appear [2]. Click and drag the page to the new location in your section organization.
View Page Settings

You can also use the Settings icon to organize ePortfolio pages.
To view your options, click the Settings icon [1]. To rename a page, click the Rename link [2]. To delete a page, click the Delete link [3].
To move a page, click the Move To... link [4].
Move Page

In the page drop-down menu [1], select the page that should come after the page you are moving. Click the Move button [2].
Save Changes

Click the Done Editing button.