How do I view my recent page view history in Canvas?
As a student, you can view a list of your recent Canvas course page views from the History link in Global Navigation. The Recent History list displays page view history within the most recent three weeks.
- If you are an instructor and you remove a page from a course, Recent History displays the page view, but the link is longer valid. Course content should be completed and verified before the course is published for students.
- If you are an admin, your Recent History displays a list of pages you have viewed for yourself directly in Canvas courses. Additionally, acting as a user displays the recent history for the user, not the page views you create.
- Page history displayed in Recent History is identical to the information found in a user's page views or the user access report.
- Recent history does not work in Canvas beta and test environments. If you open Recent History in either environment, a link to the Canvas Guides article about using the beta or test environments displays.
Open History

In Global Navigation, click the History link.
View Recent History

Recent History displays a list of course content and content areas you have viewed within the last three weeks. Page views are listed in chronological order with the most recent page view listed first. List items display the following information:
- Activity Icon [1]: the Canvas feature or course activity type
- Course Link [2]: the name of the course content area or content item name
- Course Name [3]: the name of the course in which you viewed the item; if set, the course nickname displays
- Viewed Date [4]: the date and time when you viewed the page; if the page view occurred within the last 24 hours, a time stamp of [n] hours ago displays
View Recent History Icons

The following icons display in Recent History:
- Home [1]: viewed a course home page
- Announcements [2]: viewed a course or group Announcements page or a course or group announcement
- Assignments [3]: viewed a course Assignments Index page or an assignment
- Pages/Collaborations [4]: viewed a course or group Pages Index page, Collaborations page, course or group page, or course or group collaboration
- Conferences [5]: viewed a course or group Conferences page
- Discussions [6]: viewed a coure or group Discussions page or a course or group discussion
- Files [7]: viewed a course, group, or user Files page or a course, group, or user file
- Grades [8]: viewed a course grades page
- Modules [9]: viewed a course Modules page
- Outcomes [10]: viewed a course Outcomes page
- People [11]: viewed a course People page
- Quizzes [12]: viewed a course Quizzes page or a quiz
- External Tools (LTI) [13]: viewed an external tool from Course Navigation or opened an LTI in the course