How do I upload and embed an image in the Rich Content Editor?
You can embed images in the Rich Content Editor. Image files can be uploaded from your computer or added using a URL. You can also embed images from your course and user files.
Several features in Canvas support the Rich Content Editor, including Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, and Quizzes.
- You can embed a variety of image file types (e.g. image formats, video formats, audio formats).
- Images uploaded from your computer are added to your course files.
- If you are using Usage Rights, you must set the file usage rights before the file will be accessible to students.
Open Rich Content Editor
Open the Rich Content Editor when using one of the Canvas features which support the Editor.
Note: The Rich Content Editor supports keyboard shortcuts. To view a window with a list of keyboard navigation shortcuts, click the Keyboard icon or press Alt+F8 (on a PC keyboard) or Option+F8 (on a Mac keyboard) simultaneously on your keyboard.
Upload Image by Drag and Drop

You can upload and embed an image by dragging and dropping from a web browser or a file saved to your computer. If you drag and drop an image from a web browser, the source URL for the image populates in the File URL field in the Image Options.
Note: You can upload and embed multiple images by dragging and dropping the files from a web browser or saved to your computer.
Upload Image by Copy and Paste

You can upload and embed an image by copying and pasting it. To copy an image to your clipboard, right-click the image and select Copy. You can paste it by right-clicking into the Rich Text Editor and selecting Paste or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+V on a PC or Command+V on a Mac.
Upload Images from Toolbar

To upload an image from the toolbar, click the Image icon [1]. From the drop-down menu, select the Upload Image option [2].
Note: To view the Image icon, you may have to click the Options icon [3].
Upload Images from Menubar

Alternatively, you can embed images from the menubar. Click the Insert link [1]. Navigate to view the Image options [2], then select the Upload Image option [3].
Upload Image from Computer
By default, the Image Uploader displays the Computer tab [1]. Click or drag and drop an image file to the image uploader to upload a file from your computer [2].
- Images uploaded from your computer using the image uploader within a group are added to your group files.
- Images uploaded from your computer are added to your course files.
Select File

Select the image file [1] and click the Open button [2].
Learn about supported image file types.
Upload Image from URL
To upload an image using a URL, click the URL tab [1].
Enter the URL in the File URL field [2].
Manage Usage Rights

If required in your course, you may need to select usage right settings for your image.
In the Usage Right drop-down menu [1], select one of the five usage right options:
- I hold the copyright: original content created by you
- I have obtained permission to use this file: authorized permission by the author
- The material is in the public domain: explicitly assigned to public domain, cannot be copyrighted, or is no longer protected by copyright
- The material is subject to an exception - e.g. fair use, the right to quote, or others under applicable copyright laws: excerpt or summary used for commentary, news reporting, research, or analysis in education
- The material is licensed under Creative Commons: this option also requires setting a specific Creative Commons license
If known, enter the copyright holder information in the Copyright Holder field [2].
Manage Image Attributes
To add Alt Text to your image, type an alternative text description or text tags in the Alt Text field [1]. By default, the Alt Text field displays the image file name. Alt text is read by screen readers, and it displays when an embedded image cannot display.
If the image is decorative and does not require alt text, click the Decorative Image checkbox [2].
By default, the Embed Image display option is selected for embedded images [3].
To display the image file link, select the Display Text Link display option [4]. The file link will replace the image in the Rich Content Editor.
Embed Image Upload

To embed your selected image, click the Submit button.
Note: The image will flash before it embeds in the Rich Content Editor.
View Embedded Image

View your uploaded image in the Rich Content Editor. You can also add alt text tags and manage the image display options.
Update Image Options
To manage image options from an embedded image file, click the image [1], then click the Image Options link [2].
You can manage display options for embedded images in the Image Options menu [3]. You can manage the image Alt Text, the image size, and other display options.
To replace or update an image added via URL, enter an updated image URL in the File URL field [4].
Click the Done button [5].
Save Changes

Click the Save button.
Note: When using the Rich Content Editor in Discussions, the Save button may appear as the Reply button.
View Content

View the content created in the Rich Content Editor.