How do I view my institution's Public Course Index?
The Public Course Index allows all users within an institution to publicly view the institution’s course index in a catalog format. You can view a link to the Public Course Index on the My Courses page.
- The Public Course Index is currently an account setting. If you cannot see the courses link, your institution has not enabled this feature.
- If the Public Course Index is enabled and you are an instructor, learn how to include your course in the public course index.
Open Courses

In Global Navigation, click the Courses link [1], then click the All Courses link [2].
View All Courses

You can view all courses that have been included in the public course index, with the most recently created courses shown first.
You can view the name of the course [1] and a description, if any [2].
Search Courses

You can search for courses in several different ways. In the Name field [1], you can type the name of a course.
You can also search for courses by status. If you want to view only public courses, click the Public courses only checkbox [2]. If you want to view only open enrollment courses, click the Open enrollment courses only checkbox [3]. Open enrollment courses are courses that you can join at any time.
When you are finished selecting your search options, click the Search button [4].
View Course

To view a course, click the name of the course [1]. If a course lets students self-enroll, you can join the course at any time by clicking the Join this Course button [2]. However, you can also view the course first and enroll in the course home page.