How do I record or upload media to a message in the Inbox?
You can record or upload video and audio files as part of your Inbox messages.
For more information about supported media types, please see the Canvas Media Files lesson.
- Attachments appear in your user files in the Conversation Attachments folder and count against the files limit for your account.
- You can also learn how to attach files to messages.
Open Inbox

In Global Navigation, click the Inbox link.
Compose Message
To start a new message, click the Compose icon.
Note: The toolbar may appear different if your admin has enabled settings for auto-response or signature. For more information, visit How do I manage my Inbox settings?
Open Media

To record or upload a media comment or file, click the Media icon.
Record Media Comment
A pop-up window appears in your browser. If you see a message from requesting access, click the Allow button.
Click the Record tab [1]. Select your preferred media method: record with microphone [2] or record with webcam [3].
When you're ready to record, click the Start Recording button [4].
Create Recording
The timer with the dot indicates you are recording your media comment, as well as the length of the comment [1]. Once you are finished recording, click the Finish button [2].
Save Recording
Before you attach the media comment, you have the chance to review it. The length of your recording displays [1].
In the File name field, enter a name for your media comment [2].
If you want to re-record the recording, click the Start Over button [3]. If you are happy with the result, click the Save Media button [4].
Upload Media Comment
If you have a previously recorded media file, you can upload it as part of your message. Click the Computer tab [1]. Click or drag and drop a media file to media uploader to upload a file from your computer [2].
Upload Media File

Locate the media file on your computer. Click the Open button.
Send Message

Your media comment displays in your message [1]. If you want to remove the comment, click the Remove icon [2] to remove it from the message. When you are finished, click the Send button [3].