How do I add HTML/embedded content to my ePortfolio page?

You can add HTML or embed cotent to your ePortfolio page.

Note: Canvas only supports secure video URLs (HTTPS) for embedding.

00:07: How do I add HTML embedded content to my e-portfolio page? 00:12: In global navigation, click the account link, then click the e-portfolios 00:16: link. 00:18: Click the title of the e-portfolio. 00:21: Click the page. You want to edit? 00:24: Click the edit this page button. 00:27: Click the HTML embedded content link. 00:31: Edit the HTML content Box by typing in the text box. 00:36: Click the save page button. 00:39: View. The changes you made to the page. 00:42: This guide covered how to add HTML embedded content to my e-portfolio 00:46: page.

Open ePortfolios

Open ePortfolios

In Global Navigation, click the Account link [1], then click the ePortfolios link [2].

Open ePortfolio

Open ePortfolio

Click the title of the ePortfolio.

Open Page

Open Page

Click the page you want to edit.

Edit Page

Edit Page

Click the Edit This Page button.

Add HTML/Embedded Content Box

Add HTML/Embedded Content Box

Click the HTML/Embedded Content link.

Edit Content Box

Edit Content Box

Edit the HTML content box by typing in the text box.

Save Changes

Save Changes

Click the Save Page button.

View Page

View Page

View the changes you made to the page.