Canvas Guides (English)Canvas GuidesCanvas Student GuideGlobal NavigationHow do I view global activity for all courses in the Recent Activity Dashboard?

How do I view global activity for all courses in the Recent Activity Dashboard?

The Recent Activity Dashboard shows you important recent activities from all of your courses including announcements, discussions, assignments, and conversations. This stream is similar to the Course Activity Stream for an individual course.

The following activities will cause notifications for each course to appear in the Recent Activity Dashboard:

  • New Announcements
  • Replies to Announcements
  • New Discussions
  • New Discussion Posts
  • New Assignments
  • Assignments, Quizzes, or Discussions Changed from Ungraded to Graded
  • Due Date Changes to Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions
  • New Graded Assignments
  • New Peer Review Assignments
  • New Conversation Messages


The Recent Activity Dashboard also includes the Dashboard sidebar, which includes items in your To-Do list and includes a link to the global Grades page.

You can change your Dashboard view at any time using the Dashboard Options icon.



  • Notifications in the Recent Activity Dashboard will not display for activity in Files, Collaborations, Grades, Pages, or Conferences; ungraded quizzes and surveys; or edits to Discussions.
  • Edits to Quizzes and Assignments will only display in the Recent Activity Dashboard when the Notify users that this content has changed button has been selected in a course.
  • To receive notifications for Discussions, you must actively post in the discussions at least once every two weeks. If you stop participating in a discussion after two weeks, Canvas will no longer display discussion notifications.

00:07: How do I view Global activity for all my courses in the recent activity dashboard, 00:11: as a student? 00:13: In global navigation. Click the dashboard link. 00:17: Click the options icon and then click the recent activity link. 00:21: The global activity stream contains recent notifications, from all of your courses, 00:25: including announcements discussions, assignments, and conversations 00:30: this activity stream helps. 00:32: You see all recent activity in your courses and easily asked questions and post 00:36: a discussion forums? Unlike course cards, the activity stream 00:40: does not mimic the visibility, of course, navigation links. 00:45: New activity in your account is indicated by a nun. 00:47: Red icon discussions in announcements. 00:50: Indicate new activity items published in a course and conversations 00:54: indicate a new message received from a user and of course, recent 00:58: activity items remain for 4 weeks. 01:02: Access the recent activity. 01:05: You can view the details of each activity by hovering in the notification area 01:09: and clicking the show more link to collapse recent activity. 01:13: Click the show less link. 01:16: You can directly access your recent activities by clicking. 01:19: The course link to remove a notification. 01:21: Click the remove icon 01:24: This guy covered how to view Global activity for all my courses in the recent 01:28: activity dashboard, as a student.

Open Dashboard

Open Dashboard

In Global Navigation, click the Dashboard link.

Open Global Activity Stream

Open Global Activity Stream

Click the Options icon [1] and then click the Recent Activity link [2].

View Global Activity

Veiw Global Activity

The Global Activity Stream contains recent notifications from all of your courses, including announcements, discussions, assignments, and conversations. This activity stream helps you see all recent activity in your courses and easily ask questions and post to discussion forums. Unlike course cards, the activity stream does not mimic the visibility of Course Navigation links.

Activities are indicated by activity type and display an icon [1] for the activity. Each activity also includes the name of its associated course [2].

New activity in your account is indicated by an unread icon [3]. Discussions and Announcements indicate new activity items published in a course, and Conversations indicate a new message received from a user in a course. Recent Activity items remain for four weeks.

Expand and Collapse Notifications

Expand and Collapse Notifications

You can view the details of each activity by hovering in the notification area and clicking the Show More link [1]. To collapse recent activity, click the Show Less link [2].

Manage Recent Activity

Manage Recent Activity

You can directly access your recent activities by clicking the course link [1]. To remove a notification, click the remove icon [2].