Canvas Guides (English)StudioStudio GuideStudio CollectionsHow do I view and manage a collection in Canvas Studio?

How do I view and manage a collection in Canvas Studio?

You can view collections created by you and collections shared with you in your Canvas Studio library. Depending on who created the collection and media in the collection, you will see different options to manage collections and content.

Locate Collection

Locate Collection

In your Studio library, locate the collection you want to view.

Open Collection

Open Collection

Hover over the collection and click the media thumbnail.

Filter Media

Filter Media

In the Collection page, you can filter media added to the collection. Click the Filter menu [1], and select to filter by Date Added [2] or Name [3].

Manage Collection Options

Manage Collection Options

In the collection's options menu [1], you can share the collection [2], rename the collection [3], or delete the collection [4].

Manage Media Options

Manage Media Options

You can manage options for individual media items in the collection. Depending on the item you may see different options. Click the media's Options menu [1]. You can create a quiz [2], annotate the video [3], edit the media [4], share the media [5], move the media [6], replace the thumbnail [7], or delete the media [8].