How do I manage professional captioning roles in Studio Settings as an admin?
If your district has a contract for professional captioning, admins can create and manage added captioning roles for Studio users in Studio Settings.
- By default, admins have access to all service types and all teachers in the district are automatically assigned the Teacher role.
- Professional captioning is only available if your district contracts with professional captioning services Verbit or Cielo24.
Open Create Role
In Canvas Studio captioning services, roles are defined by the service types they can access. By default, Studio admins have access to all role types, and all teachers are assigned to the Teacher role.
To create additional user roles, click the Create role button.
Create Role

Enter a role name and optional role description in the appropriate fields [1].
To select a service type allowed for the role, click the Service types drop-down menu [2]. Then to add the service type, click the Add button [3].
To view additional settings, click the Advanced settings drop-down [4].
To allow users with the role to auto-approve their caption requests, click the Auto-approve caption requests toggle to on [5].
To allow students to be assigned to the role, click the Allow for students toggle to on [6].
To save changes and create the new role, click the Create button [7].
View and Manage Roles
The created role displays in the Roles list. To make changes to a created role, click the role name link.
Assign Role
To assign a role, click the Studio Users link [1].
Locate the user in the list, and click the Edit button [2].
Edit User

In the Edit User window, to select an added caption role for the user, click the Caption role drop-down [1]. Then, select the role you wish to add from the list [2].
To add the role, click the Save button [3].