Canvas Guides (English)StudioStudio GuideStudents and StudioHow do I embed Canvas Studio media in a discussion reply in Canvas as a student?

How do I embed Canvas Studio media in a discussion reply in Canvas as a student?

You can embed a Canvas Studio video or audio file as a discussion reply in Canvas. When media tabs are disabled, embedded Canvas Studio media can be resized in the user interface.

Once you submit a Studio video or audio file as an assignment, the video or audio file is created as a new copy owned by your instructor. You will not be able to edit any details, so please confirm the name of your video or audio file before it is uploaded as Studio media.

Open Discussions

Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.

Open Discussion

Open Discussion

Click the name of the discussion.

Click Reply

Click Reply

Click the Reply field.

Open Studio in Rich Content Editor

Topic: Media Discussion

In the Rich Content Editor, click the Studio icon [1].

If the Studio icon does not display in the toolbar, click the Options icon [2].

Note: You can also access the Studio tool from the App icon [3].

Locate Media

Locate Media

The My Library window displays media in the order in which it was added to the library.  To scroll through the list, click your cursor on the scroll bar and drag to view the library [1].

To search for media, click the Search icon [2].

To record or upload new media, click the Create drop-down menu [3].

To sort and filter media, use the Sort by and Filter by drop-down menus [4].

Select Media

Select Media

Hover your cursor over the media you want to select and click the View button [2].

Display or Hide Media Tabs

Display or Hide Media Tabs

You can can display Media Tabs in the embedded media file. The Media Tabs can include the Details, Comments, Insights, and Captions tabs. To display or hide the Media Tabs in the embedded media file, click the Display media tabs toggle button.

Note: By default, this option may be on or off. Admins control whether it is on or off by default through Studio Settings.

Embed at Timestamp

Embed at Timestamp

If you are embedding media from an external source such as YouTube or Vimeo, you can set the media to begin playing at a particular timestamp.

To embed media at a timestamp, click or play the video to the desired time [1]. Then, click the Set current button [2]. The time displayed on the Set current button displays in the Timestamp field [3]. Alternatively, enter a time directly into the Timestamp field.

Note: The option to start embedded media at a timestamp only displays if the media is from YouTube or Vimeo.

Resize Embedded Media

Resize Embedded Media

To resize embedded media, click to disable the Display media tabs toggle [1]. Then, click the Embed button [2].

Open Studio Media Options

Open Studio Media Options

Click in the video window to display the Studio Media Options pop-up. Then, click the Studio Media Options link.

Studio Media Options Tray

The Studio Media Options tray displays information about the media, including the media title, and display and sizing options.

You can customize how the embedded media displays. To embed the video directly in the rich content editor, click the Embed Video radio button [1]. To display a text link to open the media in a new tab, click the Display Text Link (Opens in a new tab) radio button [2].

To select a pre-set size from a list, click the Size drop-down menu [3]. Pre-set size options include medium, large, and extra large.

To enter a custom size, select the Custom option [4]. Enter a custom width or height in pixels in the size fields [5]. As you enter a size, the other field will automatically update to preserve the aspect ratio.

To save the selected options, click the Done button [6].

Note: The media title cannot be edited from the Studio Media Options tray. To edit the media title, view the media details.

Enable or Disable Download Option

Select Embed Options

If you are embedding your own media, you can allow the media to be downloaded. To display the download option in the embedded media file, click the Display Download Option toggle button. By default, this option is turned off.

Note: The Display Download Option toggle button only displays if you are the owner who created and uploaded the media file in Studio.

Embed Media

Choose Media

Click the Embed button.

View Studio Media in Reply

View Studio Media in Reply

Your studio media displays in the discussion reply field [1].

When you are ready to post your reply, click the Post Reply button [2].

View Your Reply

View Your Reply

Your reply displays at the bottom of the discussion reply thread.