How do I enable high contrast styles in Studio?
If you need to enable high contrast styles while you are working in your Canvas Studio site, you can enable it in your user settings.
- This setting only affects your view of the Studio site and does not affect any other users.
- If you are logged in to Studio through Canvas, high contrast styles are inherited from the Canvas account settings.
- Learn more about setting high contrast styles in Canvas as an instructor, as a student, or as an observer.
Sign in to Studio Site

In a browser window, enter the URL of your Studio account [1].
In the Email field [2], enter your email address. This is the email address where you received your invitation to create a Studio password.
In the Password field [3], enter your password. If you forgot your password, click the Forgot password? link [4].
Click the Sign In button [5].
- Studio sites follow a URL structure of [your institution name]
- If your institution enables Canvas authentication, you can log into your Studio site with your Canvas credentials.
Open Studio Settings

In the Studio Navigation menu, click the Settings tab.
Enable High Contrast

Click the Enable high contrast view toggle on.