Canvas Guides (English)StudioStudio GuideStudio AdminsHow do I view and manage user libraries as a Studio Admin?

How do I view and manage user libraries as a Studio Admin?

As a Studio Admin, you can view and manage media in all user libraries in your institution's account from the Media Management page. You can share, move, update thumbnails, tag and delete user media, and you can add media to user libraries. User media can be managed individually, or in bulk.

Note: When managing media items, media is accessed from the library of the media's owner.

Open Media Management

Open Media Management

In the the Studio navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Media Management link [2].

Open Users

Open Users

Click the Users tab.

Locate User

Locate User

To search for a user, enter part of the user name in the Search field [1].  To filter users, click the Filter button [2].

Learn more about the search and filter options.

Open Library

Open Library

To open a user's library, click the Options menu [1], then click the View Library link [2].

Alternatively, to open a user's library, click a user name link [3].

Sort, Filter, and View Media

Sort, Filter, and View Media

To sort the user's library by date or media name, click the Sort by drop-down menu [1].  

To view the collections in a users's library, click the User's Library drop-down menu  [2].

To view the user's shared libraries click the Shared Library drop-down menu [3].

To search for media by title, click the Search button [4].

By default, media displays in a list view. To view media in a grid view, click the Grid View button [5].

To filter media by caption status, click the Filter button [6], then click a caption status option [7].

To view media, click the media title link [8].

Manage Single Media Item

Manage Single Media

To manage a single media item, the media's Options menu [1].

To share the media, click the Share Media link [2].

To move the media, click the Move to... link [3].

To replace the media thumbnail, click the Replace Thumbnail link [4].

To delete the media, click the Delete Media link [5].

Manage Multiple Media Items

Manage Multiple media

To manage multiple media items, click the item check boxes [1]. Then, click the More menu [2].  

To select all media in the library, click Select All link [3]. Alternatively, in the More menu, you can click the Select All check box [4].

To move selected items to a different collection, click the Move to link [5].

To tag selected items, click the Tag link [6].

To delete selected items, click the Delete link [7].

Add Media to User Library

Add media to User LIbrary

To add or upload media to a user's library, click the Create button [1].

To add media using Studio Capture, click the Studio Capture link [2].

To add media using Screencast-o-Matic, click the Screencast-o-Matic link [3].

To add media from YouTube or Vimeo, click the Add Media link [4].