Canvas Guides (English)StudioStudio GuideStudio AdminsHow do I view and manage media in the Studio library as an Admin?

How do I view and manage media in the Studio library as an Admin?

As a Studio Admin, you can view details and manage media in your institution's Studio media library in the Media Management page.

In the Media Management page, you can view media details by course name, user name, and media title. You can search for specific media items, and narrow the search using Media Management filters.

You can view details for media items, such as storage requirements and quiz and captioning use, view media ownership and usage information, and tag or delete media items.  

Open Studio Admin

Open Studio Admin

In the Studio Navigation menu, click the Admin drop-down menu.

Open Media Management

Open Media Management

In the the drop-down menu, click the Media Management link.

Search Media

View Courses Tab

To search for a specific course, user, or media file, enter all or part of a name in the Search field [1].

To create a custom list using filters, click the Filter button [2].

Filter Lists

Filter Courses

You can apply filters to the Courses, Users, and Media tabs to create a custom list.

In the Filter tray, use the text fields, drop-down menus, and checkboxes to select custom filtering options.

To view quiz usage by course, enter a minimum number of quizzes in the Number of Quizzes field [1]. To view captioning and quiz usage by media item, click the Without Captions, and Has Quiz check boxes [2].

To apply the filters and create a custom list, click the Apply Filters button [3].

View Courses

View Courses

To view courses, click the Courses tab [1].  If the list has been filtered, the (Filtered) notification displays [2], and filter names display [3].

To delete a single filter, click the Delete icon [4].

To clear all filters in the list, click the Clear course filters link [5].

To sort the list by course name, term, status, or number of media items the course contains, click the appropriate column header [6]. To reverse a column's alphabetic or numeric order, click the header order indicator [7].

To view a Course's media, click the View Course Media link [8].

Note: Courses that list Studio Content as 0 have had all media deleted.

View Users

View Filtered Users

To view a list of all users and the media content they own, click the Users tab [1].  If the list has been filtered, the (Filtered) notification displays [2], and filter names display [3].

To delete a single filter, click the Delete icon [4].

To clear all filters in the list, click the Clear users filters link [5].

To sort the list by user name, role, number of media items owned, storage usage, or email address, click the appropriate column header [6]. To reverse a column's alphabetic or numeric order, click the header order indicator [7].

If a user has not launched Studio media in the past year, the Inactive label displays [8].

View Media

View Filtered Media

To view a list of all media items, click the Media tab [1].  If the list has been filtered, the (Filtered) notification displays [2], and filter names display [3].

To delete a single filter, click the Delete icon [4].

To clear all filters in the list, click the Clear media filters link [5].

To sort the list by user name, role, number of media items owned, storage usage, or email address, click the appropriate column header [6]. To reverse a column's alphabetic or numeric order click the header order indicator [7].

To view media details, click the View Media Details link [8].

Note: Media that includes a quiz displays the Quiz icon [9].

View Media Details

View Media Details

In the Media Details window, the media viewer displays [1].

By default, the Details tab displays a short description of the media [2].

To view courses in which the media is embedded, click the Courses tab [3].

To view a list of users the media has been shared with, click the Shared With tab [4].

Select Media

Select Media

To select a media file, click the item's checkbox [1].

To bulk tag or delete all media in the list, click the Select All checkbox [2].

Tag Media

Tag Media

To tag an individual media file, locate the media in the list and click the More Options icon [1]. Then, click the Tag link [2].

Enter tag content

The Tag Content window displays. Enter a tag in the Tags field [1]. To add another tag, press Enter on your keyboard.

To save tags, click the Add button [2].

Delete Media

Delete Media

To delete an individual media file, click the More Options menu [1]. Then, click the Delete link [2].

Confirm Deletion

The Delete Media window displays. To confirm the deletion, click the Delete button.