How do I configure an LTI key for an account?
As an admin, you can configure an LTI key from the Developer Keys page. LTI keys can be used to enable an external app that supports IMS Global LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage.
When supported by a tool provider, this framework allows admins to manage all LTI tool configuration data directly in the Developer Keys page. The LTI can then be added to an account or a course via an associated client ID. Specific questions about a provider's integration or potential integration with the LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage framework should be sent directly to the tool provider.
- Developer Keys is an account permission. If you cannot view the Developer Keys link in Account Navigation, this permission has not been enabled for your user account.
- Disabling or deleting the LTI key removes the application installs.
- For more information about LTI integrations, please visit the External Tools Introduction API page.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Developer Keys

In Account Navigation, click the Developer Keys link.
Add LTI Key

Click the Add Developer Key button [1]. Then click the Add LTI Key option [2].
Enter LTI Settings

Enter the settings for the LTI key:
- Key Name [1]: The name of the company or external tool.
- Owner Email [2]: The email of the person who owns the external tool.
- Redirect URIs [3]: Redirect URI data should be provided by the tool provider. If you select the Paste JSON configuration method, the Redirect URI field will fill in automatically once you have entered the LTI 1.3 configuration.
- Notes [4]: Any notes about the LTI key, such as the reason it was created.
Select Configuration Method
To select the method you want to use to configure your LTI tool, click the Method drop-down menu.
Enter Manual Entry Details

To manually enter the details for your LTI key, click the Manual Entry option [1].
If the tool provider requests that their tool be set up via manual entry, they will need to provide the details to fill the required fields. Required fields are title [2], description [3], target link URL [4], OpenID connect initiation URL [5], and JWK method [6]. JWK method can be set to public JWK or public JWK URL.
You can also enter non-required details for LTI Advantage services [7], additional settings [8] and placements [9]. Any items selected in the Placements field will display as LTI setting items [10].
To enable or disable LTI Advantage services [1], toggle the buttons on or off.
Note: When the Can register event notice handlers using the Platform Notification Service [2] option is enabled, the tool can register for notifications when a course is copied. This notification, defined by the LTI specification, is known as the LtiContextCopyNotice.
- If the LTI vendor is unable to provide the information for the required fields, you may want to configure the tool via the Paste JSON or Enter URL option.
- LTI keys created without icons in the Editor Button placement automatically display a default icon with the first initial of the tool’s name in the Rich Content Editor.
- To have the LTI as an assignment submission type, select the Submission Type Selection placement type. The Submission Type Selection placement is only available for Instructure approved LTI tools.
Enter JSON Details
To paste JSON formatting for your LTI 1.3 configuration, click the Paste JSON option [1].
Then enter the JSON formatting in the LTI 1.3 Configuration field [2].
Save LTI Key

To save your LTI key, click the Save button.
Note: If you add a LTI tool and the LTI tool includes a Submission Type Selection placement that is not approved by Instructure for the particular LTI tool, a warning will display after saving the LTI Key.
View LTI Key
View your LTI key [1]. LTI keys are indicated by the External Tool icon [2].
Each LTI key includes a client ID [3]. Copy or write down the client ID to enable the external tool from your Account Settings or to share it with users to enable the tool in a course.