Canvas Guides (English)Canvas GuidesCanvas Admin GuideRubric EnhancementsHow do I manage rubrics in an account using Enhanced Rubrics?

How do I manage rubrics in an account using Enhanced Rubrics?

You can create, edit, delete, archive, and duplicate rubrics for instructors to use across your institution. Instructors can add account-level rubrics to their assignments, graded discussions, and quizzes. Instructors can also create their own rubrics in their courses.


  • The Assignment Enhancements feature option must be enabled for students to view the updated rubric interface.
  • This lesson describes rubrics with Enhanced Rubrics feature option enabled. If the steps in this lesson do not match what is displayed in your account, learn how to manage rubrics in the Classic Rubrics interface.

Open Account

Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].

Open Rubrics

Open Rubrics

In Account Navigation, click the Rubrics link.

View Rubric Page

View Rubric Page

To search for a rubric, enter the rubric name in the Search field [1].

To create a new rubric, click the Create New Rubric button [2].

To view saved rubrics, click the Saved tab [3].

To view archived rubrics, click the Archived tab [4].

You can sort rubrics in ascending and descending order by Rubric Name [5], Total Points [6], Criterion [7], and Location Used [8].

You can manage a rubric by clicking the Options icon [9].

To open an existing rubric, click the rubric's name [10].

Note: You cannot edit or delete a rubric once it has been added to an assignment. However, you can duplicate rubrics for additional edits or create new rubrics.

Create Rubric

Add Rubric

To create a rubric, click the Create New Rubric button.

Edit Rubric

Edit Rubric

To edit the rubric, click the Options icon [1] and then click the Edit link [2].

Edit Rubric Details

Edit Rubric Details

To rename a rubric, enter a new name in the Rubric Name field [1].

To change the rating order, click the Rating Order drop-down menu [2].

To edit a rubric criterion description or long description, click the criterion Edit icon [3].

To delete a criterion or aligned outcome from the rubric, click the criterion Delete icon [4]. Outcome criteria can only be edited from the Outcomes page.

To duplicate a criterion from the rubric, click the criterion Duplicate icon [5].

You can rearrange criterion ratings [6].

You can also add new criterion [7] and outcomes [8].

To save your edits, click the Save Rubric button [9]

Edit Criterion Details

Edit Criterion Details

To rename a criterion, enter a new name in the Criterion Name field [1].

To edit a rubric criterion description or long description, enter updated details in the Criterion Description field [2]. You can also edit points [3], edit the rating name [4], and edit the rating description [5].

To delete a criterion from the rubric, click the criterion Delete icon [6].

To save your edits, click the Save Criterion button [7].

Duplicate Rubric

Duplicate Rubric

To duplicate a rubric, click Options icon [1] and then click the Duplicate link [2].

Click the Duplicate button.


Archive Rubric

Archive Rubric

To duplicate a rubric, click Options icon [1] and then click the Archive link [2].

Unarchive Rubric

Unarchive Rubric

In the Rubrics page, click the Archived tab [1]. To unarchive a rubric, click the Options icon [2] and then click the Un-Archive link [3].

Delete Rubric

Delete Rubric

If you created a rubric in your course, you can delete the rubric. To delete a rubric, click Options icon [1] and then click the Delete link [2].

Rubrics can be deleted even if they have been used in more than one assignment.

Confirm Delete Rubric

Click the Delete button.

When you delete a rubric, Canvas will remove the rubric from all associated assignments in the course and remove any existing scores and assessments given using the rubric.