How do I view grading periods in an account?
As an admin, you can manage grading periods for your institution. Each grading period set applies to the entire institution, including subaccounts. All courses associated with a term in a grading period automatically inherit the term's grading periods.
As grading periods do not directly affect any course assignments, grading periods can be deleted or their start and end dates can be changed. However, changes should generally be made before a term begins. Changing grading period dates during a term will affect grade totals.
Open Account

Click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Grading

In Account Navigation, click the Grading link.
Open Grading Periods

Click the Grading Periods tab.
Filter Grading Period Sets
Grading periods can be filtered by viewing a term in the Terms drop-down menu [1], or by searching for the name of a term or grading period in the search field [2].
View Grading Period Sets
The Grading Periods account-level tab displays all grading period sets and their grading periods.
Each grading period set shows the name of the grading period set [1] and the associated terms [2].
Add Grading Period Set
To add a new grading period set, click the Add Set of Grading Periods button.
View Grading Periods
To view a grading period, expand the grading period set by clicking the arrow next to the set name [1].
Each grading period shows the name of the grading period [2], the start date [3], the end date [4], and the close date [5].
If your grading periods are weighted, you can view each grading period's weighted percentage [6]. The percentages for the entire grading period set can total any number and does not have to add up to 100%.
Note: Beneath the date fields, Canvas displays the time zone date and time according to context. If you manage an account in a time zone other than your local time zone, the account and local times are displayed for reference.
View Concluded Grading Periods
Once a grading period has concluded, existing grading period sets should never be edited and reused for future terms. Future terms should be added to a new grading period set, with dates defined specifically for the future term. As term dates most commonly last an entire year, new grading period sets should only have to be created annually.
Retaining concluded terms and their associated grading periods ensures accuracy in grading reports.