How do I get authorized to connect Canvas Data 2 via an API Client (Postman)?
Once you have authenticated through Postman or your API Client, you can set up Canvas Data 2.
- First you need to generate a Client ID and Secret.
- You need to know how to use an API client. This article uses Postman.
- You can also use a CURL script to retrieve a token.
Generate Client Credentials via Identity Services

Before using a Postman, you need to generate a Client ID and Secret for Canvas Data 2.
Add New Authorization Request
In Postman, to add a new request, click the Add tab [1] and then click the Authorization tab [2].
Select Authorization Type
In the Authentication Type drop-down menu [1], select the Basic Auth option [2].
Note: You can also use a CURL script to retrieve a token.
Enter User Credentials
Enter the user credentials:
- Username (Client ID) [1]: enter the developer key generated in Identity Services
- Password (Client Secret) [2]: enter the secret generated in Identity Services
Select POST method as the request type [3], and set the following URL [4]:
Generate Access Token
In the Body tab [1], select the x-www-form-urlencoded option [2]. In the KEY field, enter “grant_type”[3] and in the VALUE field, enter “client_credentials” [4].
Click the Send button [5].
In case of successful authorization, you will receive the access token in the API response. You can use this short-lived token to send request to the CD2 API.
For all available requests, check the Canvas Data 2 API Documentation.
You can also use the preconfigured requests from the Postman collection described in the set up Canvas Data 2 in Postman document.