How do I manage New Quizzes item banks shared with an account?
You can manage New Quizzes item banks that have been shared with your institution. You can stop sharing item banks with your institution, edit item banks, or delete item banks. You can also create a new item bank as an admin.
- In order to view all account item banks, users must have the Item Banks - account manage permission.
- To share item banks with sub-accounts, users must have the Item Banks - Share with Sub-Accounts permission.
- Item Banks management is unavailable at the account level if the New Quizzes feature option is disabled at the account level.
Open Item Banks

In Account Navigation, click the Item Banks link.
View Item Banks
To filter by institution bank, shared with me banks or banks shared with the course, click the Filter by drop-down menu [1].
To search for a specific item bank, enter a search term in the Search field [2].
To search for a specific account, click the Account drop-down menu [3]
To change the item bank sort order from ascending to descending, click the Sort button [4].
Note: When the Item Banks - Share with Sub-Accounts permission is enabled, you can filter by that sub-account.
Add Item Bank

To create a new item bank, click the Add Bank button. Learn more about creating an item bank as an admin.
Edit Item Bank Items
To manage item bank items, click the name of an item bank.
Manage Item Bank Items

To add a new item to the item bank, click the Add New button [1]. Learn more about adding a new item to an item bank.
To edit an item bank item, click the Edit icon [2]. Learn more about editing item bank items.
To move or copy an item bank item, click the Copy icon [3]. Learn more about moving and copying item bank items.
To delete an item bank item, click the Delete icon [4].
To view item details, click the Expand item details icon [5].
To return to all item banks, click the Item Banks link [6].
Confirm Duplication

To confirm duplication, click the Duplicate button. Note: Duplicated item banks include "Copy" at the end of the bank name.
Share Item Bank
To manage sharing settings for an item bank, click the Share icon.
Set Sharing Settings

You can share an item bank with users, courses, and sub-accounts [1].
To share the item bank with specific users, courses, or sub-accounts type a user, course, or sub-account name in the Share With field [2].
You can set access to Can view, which allows users to view item banks in a read-only state, or Can edit, which allows users to view and edit the item bank [3].
To set access settings you're sharing with, click the Access drop-down menu [4]. You can set access to view or edit.
To share the item bank with the specified user(s) or course(s), click the Add button [5].
To save your sharing settings, click the Close button [6].
Note: When the Item Banks - Share with Sub-Accounts permission is enabled, you can share to sub-accounts.
Edit Item Bank
To edit the name of an item bank, click the Edit icon.
Edit Item Bank Name

To change the name of the item bank, type a new name in the Bank Name field [1], then click the Save Changes button to save the new name [2].
Delete Item Bank
To delete an item bank, click the Delete icon.
Confirm Deletion

To confirm item bank deletion, click the Delete button.
Deleting an item bank will cause the following to apply to items in the item bank:
- Items will no longer be accessible to others who currently have shared access.
- Items will not be removed from any assessments
- Items will lose their statistical link in reporting (if they were part of an assessment)
- Items will no longer be available to any assessments attempting a random/batch pull of items (removing the pull will resolve the issue)