How do I move account outcomes and outcome groups in Improved Outcomes Management?
You can move outcomes and outcome groups from the account Outcomes page. When moving an outcome group, you move the group within another outcome group. When moving outcomes, you can move multiple outcomes at the same time.
This lesson displays how to move outcomes and outcome groups in an account that has enabled the Improved Outcomes Management feature option. If the Outcomes page in your account displays differently than the images in this lesson, learn how to move outcomes and outcome groups in the classic Outcomes page view.
- To move account outcomes and outcome groups into another account or course, you can run and download the Outcome Export account report as a CSV file. Then, import the CSV file into a course or into another account.
- You can also move course outcomes and outcome groups.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Outcomes

In Account Navigation, click the Outcomes link.
Move Outcome Group
Select Outcome Group

To move an outcome group, click the name of the group.
Open Move Window

Click the Options icon [1]. Then click the Move link [2].
Move Outcome Group

You can move the outcome group so it is organized within another outcome group.
To select the outcome group where you want to move your outcome group, click the name of the group [1]. To create a new outcome group to move your existing outcome group, click the Create New Group link [2].
If your outcome group is already organized within another outcome group, you can move your group to the account level by clicking the name of the account [3].
To move your outcome group, click the Move button [4].
Move Outcome
Select Outcome

To move an outcome, click the outcome group where the outcome belongs [1]. Then find the outcome you want to move [2].
Click the Options icon for the outcome [3]. Then click the Move link [4].
Move Outcome or Outcome Group

To move multiple outcomes, click the checkboxes next to the outcomes you want to move [1].
The Outcomes page displays the number of outcomes you have selected. To view the names of the selected outcomes, click the # Outcomes Selected link [2]. You can select outcomes from multiple outcome groups without losing previously selected outcomes.
To move your selected outcomes, click the Move button [3].

You can move outcomes so they are organized within an outcome group.
To select the outcome group where you want to move your outcome(s), click the name of the group [1]. To create a new outcome group to move your existing outcome group, click the Create New Group link [2].
If your outcomes are already organized within an outcome group, you can move outcomes to the account level by clicking the name of the account [3].
To move your outcome(s), click the Move button [4].