How do I manage gradebook statuses in an account?
As an admin, you can manage the colors of the standard gradebook statuses and create custom gradebook statuses for all accounts associated with your account.
Custom statuses are supported in Gradebook imports and SIS exports. Custom Final Grade Override statuses are supported in Gradebook exports.
When a missing label is manually applied, the missing label is removed by a new submission or manual removal. Entering a score does not remove a manually-applied missing label.
Open Account

Click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Grading

In Account Navigation, click the Grading link.
Open Grading Statuses

Click the Statuses tab.
Modify Standard Grading Statuses

To change the standard status colors, click the Edit icon [1].
Select the new color for the status. The check mark indicates the selected color [2], and the hex color code displays in the text field [3].
If you want to use a color not shown in the window, you can enter the color's hex code directly in in the text field. The hex field will display a warning icon if the hex code is not valid.
Click the Save button [4].
Note: The Extended status is not a default standard status and must be enabled by your Customer Support Manager.
Create Custom Status

To create a custom status, click the Add Status link [1].
In the Custom Status Name field, enter a name for the status [2].
Select the new color for the status. The check mark indicates the selected color [3], and the hex color code displays in the text field [4].
If you want to use a color not shown in the window, you can enter the color's hex code directly in in the text field. The hex field will display a warning icon if the hex code is not valid.
Click the Save button [5].
Note: Once a custom status is created, it is automatically added to the Gradebook.
Modify Custom Status

To edit the custom status, click the Edit icon [1]. To remove the custom status, click the Delete icon [2].