How do I add an event to an account calendar?
As an admin or sub-account admin, you can create an account calendar with events and important dates that display for users. In Canvas Calendars, instructors, students, and observers have the option to subscribe to Account Calendars in the Other Calendars section.
Note: You must make the account calendar visible before adding events.
Open Calendar

In Global Navigation, click the Calendar link.
Add Account Calendar

Click the Add icon.

To add additional calendar(s) to your Canvas calendar, click the checkbox next to the calendar [1] and click the Save Changes button [2].
Add Event
Click any date on the calendar to add an event [1]. Or, click the arrows next to the month name to navigate to a different month [2] and select a date.
If you don't want to manually locate the date, you can click the Add icon [3].
Add Event Details

Enter a title for the event [1].
Depending on how you added your event, the date may be populated for you. If not, enter a date in the date field [2].
The calendar times may also be populated for you in the From fields [3]. To edit, use the dropdown or enter the start and end time for your event. To create an all-day event, leave the From fields blank so there is no start and end time for your event.
In the Frequency drop-down menu, you can set recurring calendar events [4].
You can enter a location [5].
In the Calendar drop-down menu [6], select the account calendar [7].
Submit Event

To add additional details to your event, click the More Options button [1]. You can use the Rich Content Editor to add a description or resource links and add an address location.
If you only want to create the event as a placeholder and add details later, click the Submit button [2]. You can edit your event at any time.