How do I use Microsoft Teams course sync in an account?
As an admin, you can allow instructors to sync data from the People page in a Canvas course to Microsoft Teams. Once course sync has been enabled at the account level, instructors can enable automatic sync and complete a manual sync from their Course Settings page.
- Granting access to your Microsoft tenant should be completed by the Microsoft 365 admin at your institution.
- Microsoft Teams course sync only supports one Microsoft tenant per Canvas account. Multi-tenant sync is not supported.
- Microsoft Teams course sync does not support syncing course sections and groups.
- Microsoft Teams course sync does not support syncing for courses that have more than 20,000 enrollments or more than 100 users with any role in Canvas other than student.
- Child consortium accounts cannot access the Course Settings Notifications tab.
- For the Microsoft Teams sync to work properly, there must be a user with the Teacher, TA, and/or Designer role in Canvas matching an Owner in Teams.
- Microsoft Teams course sync is currently a defaulted on feature. To manage this feature, learn how to manage feature options in the account features lesson.
Open Settings

In Account Navigation, click the Settings link.
Open Integrations

From the Account Settings page, click the Integrations tab.
Enter Microsoft Teams Details
Enter your Azure Active Directory tenant name in the Tenant Name field [1].
Select the attribute to use when associating a Canvas user with a Microsoft user in the Login Attribute drop-down menu [2]. You can select the user's default Canvas email, unique user ID (such as the user's login_id or Canvas API's pseudonymunique_id), SIS user ID, and integration ID.
If the Suffix field is populated [3], the entered text attaches to the Login Attribute.
Select the attribute to use to match a Canvas user to a Microsoft user in the Active Directory Lookup Attribute drop-down menu [4]. You can select user principal name (UPN), primary email address (mail), and email alias (mailNickname).
To update the details, click the Update Settings button [5].
Note: When the Email login attribute is selected, only the user's primary Canvas email address is used in the course sync.
Enable Sync
To enable Microsoft Teams sync in your Canvas account, click the Sync button [1]. Then click the Grant tenant access link [2].
Log In to Microsoft

Use your Microsoft credentials to log in to your Microsoft Teams account. Logging in to your account grants Canvas access to your Microsoft tenant.
Note: Granting access to your Microsoft tenant should be completed by the Microsoft 365 admin at your institution.