How do I view the page views for a user in an account?
You can view the page views for a user in your account. You can also download page views as a CSV file.
The Page Views section only displays user data for the last 365 days.
- Viewing page views is an account permission. If you cannot view page views, your institution has restricted this feature.
- Because mobile page view data is based on device settings and network connection, it may vary from the time the page views actually occurred. Page view data should not be used to assess academic integrity.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open People

In Account Navigation, click the People link.
Open User Profile

In the search results, click the user's name.
View Page Views
At the bottom of the User Details page, the Page Views table shows the URL the student viewed [1], the date the page was accessed [2], whether or not the user participated in the page [3], the interaction time with the page [4], and the user's browser agent [5].
In the User Agent column, you can also view if the user participated in a course using an access token from a developer key. The name of the associated app will appear in the page views, which helps differentiate user access tokens from web sessions and identify the associated developer key. Page views also support activity in Canvas mobile apps, so you can view when a user accesses and participates in a course using a mobile device. Mobile page views are sent to Canvas from the mobile apps when a user leaves, or backgrounds, the app.
- Participated indicates whether the user participated in an activity that required action, such as submitting an assignment, replying to a discussion, or contributing to a page.
- Time is calculated by the number of seconds a user interacts with a Canvas page. Canvas records interactions at a minimum of 10 seconds or a maximum of 5 minutes to document when a user physically interacts with the page, such as clicking the mouse or using the keyboard.
You can download the page views as a CSV file by clicking the CSV link [6]. The generated CSV file contains more information than displayed in the Page Views window, such as the IP address used for each page view.
You can filter the page views by date. To add a date filter, enter the date in the Filter by date field or click the Calendar icon [7].
For further details about student interaction, you can view individual student analytics in a course.
- The CSV file will only display up to 300 lines of data. Information existing outside of this range can be accessed via the Canvas Users API.
- Descriptions of Page Views CSV column headings can be found in the Canvas Users API documentation.
- The Page Views CSV file contains information about user activity in Canvas. When an admin masquerades as a user, the real_user_id column displays the admin's User ID. A blank cell in this column indicates that the user was logged in.
- The Date column displays in the time zone of the viewer.