How do I view the enrollments for a user in an account?
As an admin, you can view all course, group, and account enrollments for a user in your account.
This page also allows you to quickly unenroll a user from any course, group, or account, if necessary. At the account level, unenrolling a user from a course or group has the same result as removing an enrollment in a course, except you can unenroll the user from multiple courses or groups at once.
Enrollments are commonly managed automatically in Canvas through student information system CSV files. However, if your instructors have permission to add or remove users, enrollments can be managed manually by a course instructor.
Note: SIS enrollment CSV files that include start_date and end_date values override term dates, course dates, and section dates.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open People

In Account Navigation, click the People link.
Open User Profile

In the search results, click the user's name.
View Enrollments
Enrollments are located in the Enrollments section. Enrollments are separated into courses [1] and groups [2].
If a user has been added to an account, the Enrollments section will also display a list of accounts where the user resides [3].
View Course Details
The Courses section shows all courses where the user is enrolled.
Each course includes the course name [1], the term where the course resides [2], the user's enrollment status [3], and the user's role [4].
To access the course, click the name of the course.
View Group Details

The Groups section shows all groups where the user is enrolled.
Each group includes the group name [1] and the name of the course or account where the group resides [2].
To access the group, click the name of the group.
Note: To unenroll a user from a group, you must open the account or course and manage the user's enrollment.
View Account Details

The Accounts section shows all accounts where the user is enrolled as an account admin.
To access the account, click the name of the account.
Unenroll User

To unenroll a user from a course, group, or account, locate the appropriate section in the enrollments list. Next to the course, group, or account where you want to unenroll the user, click the Delete icon [1] then click the OK button [2]. The user will no longer have access to the course, group, or account.