How do I manage outcome mastery scales in a course?
If enabled by your institution, you can manage outcome mastery scales for all outcomes in your course. Changes made to a mastery scale will apply to all rubrics with outcomes in your course that have not already been used for student assessment. Changes to mastery scales only apply to the course from where they are made.
If course-wide mastery scales have not been enabled in your course, mastery scale levels must be managed independently in each outcome.
- The default criterion mastery ratings display a 0-4 scale.
- If a rubric with aligned outcomes has been used to assess an assignment before the feature option is enabled, the assignment is not affected. However, any assignments not previously assessed by the rubric are affected if mastery scores are adjusted.
Open Outcomes

In Course Navigation, click the Outcomes link.
Open Mastery Scales

Click the Mastery tab.
Note: If the Mastery tab does not display in the Outcomes page, course-level outcome mastery scales have not been enabled by your institution.
View Mastery Scale
By default, your course mastery scale includes five levels: Exceeds Mastery [1], Mastery [2], Near Mastery [3], Below Mastery [4], and No Evidence [5].
To edit a level's description, enter text in the Description field [6]. To edit a level's point value, enter a new point value in the Points field [7]. Decimal values are accepted. Mastery levels cannot be moved, but will be sorted numerically after your changes are saved.
You can also designate which level represents mastery. To select the designated mastery level, click the Mastery button next to that level [8]. Only one level can be selected as the Mastery level.

If your course's mastery scale displays as view only, you do not have permission to edit the mastery scale in your course. For assistance managing your mastery scale, contact your Canvas administrator.
Change Color

Each mastery level is assigned a color that displays when viewing outcome scores in the Learning Mastery Gradebook. To change the level's color, click the Change link [1]. Then click the icon for the color you want to use [2] or enter the color's hex code in the text field [3]. If the hex code is not valid, the field displays a warning icon. Any variation of white is not accepted as a color.
To save your color selection, click the Apply button [4].
Add Mastery Level
To add a new mastery level, click the Add Mastery Level button [1]. The new level displays at the bottom of the list and cannot be moved [2]. However, the mastery levels will be sorted numerically after your changes are saved.
Delete Mastery Level
To delete a mastery level, click the Delete icon.
Confirm Deletion

To confirm you want to delete the mastery level, click the Confirm button.
Save Changes

To save the changes to your mastery levels, click the Save Mastery Scale button.
Confirm Changes

Saving your mastery scale changes will update all rubrics aligned to outcomes that have not been assessed in your course. To confirm your changes, click the Save button.