How do I apply Submission Stickers in SpeedGrader?
The Submission Stickers feature option allows instructors to add stickers to individual and group assignment submissions per attempt, offering an engaging way to provide feedback.
Once enabled at the account or course level, instructors can apply stickers through the Traditional Gradebook tray, Individual Gradebook, and SpeedGrader.
Stickers are also supported for anonymous assignments, ensuring privacy. For moderated assignments, stickers can be added once they are published. Stickers follow post policies, meaning grades must be posted for students to view them.
- Submission Stickers only work in courses that have also enabled the Assignment Enhancements feature option.
- The Submission Stickers feature option is disabled by default.
- Submission Stickers are not compatible with the Modernized SpeedGrader feature option at this time.
Open SpeedGrader
You can access SpeedGrader through: Assignments, Quizzes, Graded Discussions, and Gradebook.
Add Submission Sticker

In the SpeedGrader sidebar, click the Submission Sticker icon.
Choose Sticker

In the Choose a sticker pop-up window, select a sticker.
Remove Submission Sticker

To remove the Submission Sticker, click the sticker.

In the Choose a sticker pop-up window, click the Remove Sticker button.