How do I edit an announcement in a course?

If you forgot to add something to your announcement, you can easily edit and add more information.


  • You can either save the edited announcement without notifying users or send a notification to users.
  • Your course must be published for students to receive announcement notifications. Students do not receive new announcement notifications for announcements imported from another Canvas course.

00:07: How do I edit an announcement in a course? 00:10: In course, navigation, click the announcements link 00:14: Click the name of the announcement. 00:17: Click the options icon. 00:19: And click the edit link. 00:22: Edit the necessary announcement fields. 00:25: Click the save button. 00:27: If you want to save your edits without notifying students, click the save 00:31: and don't send button. 00:34: If you want to notify your students about the change, click the send button, 00:39: View, the updated announcement. 00:42: This guide covered. How to edit an announcement in a course.

Open Announcements

Open Announcements

In Course Navigation, click the Announcements link.

Open Announcement

Open Announcement

Click the name of the announcement.

Edit Announcement

Click Edit

Click the Options icon [1], and click the Edit link [2].

Edit Announcement Details

Edit Announcement Details

Edit the necessary announcement fields.

Click the Save button.

Note: If the 'Available from' date is set in the future, students will not receive a notification. Only users who can view the announcement will be notified of the change.

Notify Users

Notify Users

If you want to save your edits without notifying students, click the Save and Don't Send button.

If you want to notify your students about the change, click the Send button.

View Updated Announcement

View Updated Announcement

View the updated announcement.