How do I add a quiz as a module item?
You can add an existing quiz or a create a new quiz in a course module. When creating a new quiz, you can select the New Quizzes or Classic Quizzes quiz engine.
When you add items to a module, please be aware that the status of the module overrides the state of the individual module items. You may want to consider leaving all module items in an unpublished state until you are ready to publish the entire module. Learn more about publishing or unpublishing a module.
Note: Numerous module items may affect performance. Modules supports up to 100 module items in the student progress page.
Open Modules

In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.
Add Module Item
To add an item, click the Add icon [1], or drag and drop to add files to an empty module [2].
Add Item to Module

In the Add drop-down menu [1], select the Quiz option [2].
Note: When adding a quiz to a module, the Add Quiz drop-down menu only loads the first 400 quizzes.
Create New Quiz

To create a new quiz, click the Create Quiz link.
Select Quiz Engine

To create the quiz using New Quizzes, click the New Quizzes option [1].
To create a quiz using Classic Quizzes, click the Classic Quizzes option [2].
Enter Quiz Details

In the Quiz Name field [1], enter the name of the quiz. In the Group drop-down menu [2], select the assignment group where the quiz will be added.
Add Existing Quiz

To add an existing quiz, click the name of the quiz [1]. Classic quizzes include the word (classic) at the end of the title [2].
Indent Item

In the Indentation drop-down menu, select how many levels you want the quiz to be indented in the module. You can select one level, two levels, three levels, or no identation.
Add Item

Click the Add Item button.
View Module Item
View the quiz. A classic quiz displays an empty quiz icon [1]. To edit a classic quiz, click the name of the quiz [2].
A quiz created in New Quizzes displays a filled quiz icon [3]. To edit assignment details for the quiz, click the name of the quiz. To edit quiz questions, click the Options icon [5] and click the Build link [6].