How do I allow users to report a reply in a discussion as an instructor?
Users can report replies from the Discussions page by default.
Users can report replies by clicking the Options icon for the reply and clicking the Report link. When a reply is reported by a user, the user must indicate why the reply is being reported (inappropriate, offensive and/or abusive, or other). Reporting a reply cannot be undone.
- If a user was associated with a reported reply in an Anonymous discussion, the anonymity remains and won't be displayed even for instructors view.
- To be notified of the reported replies, adjust and set your Reported Reply notification.
Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.
Open Settings

Click the Settings icon.
Edit Discussion Settings

Ensure the Report replies checkbox is selected [1].
To save discussion settings, click the Save Settings button [2].
View Reported Reply

Once a reply is reported, a red notification displays.