How do I edit or delete a discussion in a course?
Once you've created a discussion in your course, you can edit the discussion details. You can update the discussion title and content, and you can modify the discussion options.
You can also delete a discussion or graded discussion at any time.
Note: When Multiple Grading Periods are enabled in a course, graded discussions are not currently validated against closed grading periods. Deleting a graded discussion may affect the total grade for students in your course.
Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.
Edit or Delete Discussion
To edit or delete a discussion from the Discussions Index page, click the Options icon [1]. Then, to edit the discussion, click the Edit link [2].
To delete the discussion, click the Delete link [3] and confirm the deletion.
Edit or Delete Open Discussion

If a discussion is already open, you can edit or delete it by clicking the Options icon [1]. Then, to edit the discussion, click the Edit link [2].
To delete the discussion, click the Delete link [3]. Then, confirm the deletion.
Edit Discussion

You can edit the title of the discussion [1]. You can also edit the discussion content using the Rich Content Editor [2].
You can also edit discussion options [3] or change the assignees, the due date, or the availability dates [4].
Learn more about creating a discussion.
Save Discussion

To save edits, click the Save button [1].
If you are editing an unpublished discussion and want to publish it, click the Save and Publish button [2].