How do I duplicate a discussion in a course?
You can duplicate a discussion in your course. When a discussion is duplicated, the word Copy is added to the end of the assignment name. The person who copied the discussion is shown as the author of the discussion and is immediately subscribed to the discussion. The date of the discussion is copied and is displayed as the last posted date.
Duplicating a discussion defaults the copied discussion to an unpublished status. All items in the discussion are duplicated including the name, description, and options.
In graded discussions, duplication exceptions include the following situations:
- Copied peer review discussions retain the peer review settings and Assign Review date, but the number of reviews per user will be set to zero.
- Copied discussions are always assigned to everyone in the course; differentiated discussions are not retained for individual users, groups, or sections.
- If a differentiated discussion includes an Everyone Else date, the copied discussion retains the Everyone Else date, if any.
- If a differentiated discussion does not include an Everyone Else date, the copied discussion does not include a due date.
Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.
Duplicate Discussion
Locate the discussion you want to duplicate and click the Options icon [1]. Click the Duplicate link [2].