How do I import rubric assessments using Enhanced Rubrics?
In the Gradebook, you can download rubric assessments for an assignment. When you have finished adding or editing rubric assessment details, you can import your CSV file for the assignment.
Note: This lesson describes rubrics with Enhanced Rubrics feature option enabled. If the steps in this lesson do not match what is displayed in your account, learn how to manage rubrics in the Classic Rubrics interface.
Open Grades

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
Import Rubric Assessments
Click the Options icon next to the assignment name [1]. Then, click the Import Rubrics option [2].

To upload your rubric assessments, drag and drop your CSV file [1] or click the Choose a file to upload link [2].
View Imported Rubric Assessments

Once the import is successful, the file name and size display. Rubric assessment details are visible in SpeedGrader.