How do I grade a quiz in New Quizzes?
You can grade New Quizzes quizzes using SpeedGrader. Most quiz items are graded automatically after a student submits the quiz. However, essay and file upload questions must be graded manually.
This lesson describes how to access SpeedGrader from the Gradebook.
- If the quiz does not display in the Gradebook and is worth zero points, the quiz's assignment details may be set to exclude the quiz from the Gradebook.
- You cannot grade New Quizzes quizzes in concluded courses.
- New Quizzes grades for students with concluded enrollments are not sent to the Canvas Gradebook.
- If you are using New Quizzes, learn how to grade one quiz question at a time.
- If anonymous grading is enabled, you do not see students' names while grading.
Open Grades

In Course Navigation, click the Grades link.
Open SpeedGrader

To open SpeedGrader, hover over the assignment column header and click the Options icon [1]. Then click the SpeedGrader link [2].
View SpeedGrader
View the quiz in SpeedGrader [1]. When grading quizzes, you can use the SpeedGrader menu options [2], change students [3], change submissions [4], and leave assignment comments [5]. Learn how to use SpeedGrader.
View Questions That Need Review

If any questions require manual grading, the Results page displays a warning message that lists the questions to review. Essay and file upload questions must be graded manually.
View Results

Quiz results include the percentage score [1], point score [2], and time to complete attempt [3].
Grade Item

Items the require manual grading display a gray border [1].
To leave additional comments on the item, click the Comment icon [2]. To give a student full points for an answer, click the Checkmark button [3]. To give a student no points for an answer, click the X button [4]. You can also use the Arrow buttons to increase or decrease the score [5].