How do I edit the assignment details of a New Quizzes quiz?
You can make changes to the assignment details of a New Quizzes quiz from the Quizzes page in Canvas. You can make edits to the point total, assignment group, due date, availability dates, and the individual students and course sections who will receive the quiz. You can also add a rubric to the quiz.
You can manage more quiz settings, including selecting the number of quiz attempts and restricting student result view, in the Quiz Settings page.
Open Quizzes

In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Note: You can also access quizzes from the Assignments page.
Edit Quiz in Canvas

Click the title of the quiz you want to edit.
Edit Quiz
To edit the name of the quiz, enter the name change in the Name field [1]. To edit the total points for the quiz, enter a point total in the Points field [2]. Adjusting the total points only impacts the total points available for the quiz, it does not alter point settings for individual quiz questions.
To edit the quiz's assignment group, click In the Assignment Group drop-down menu [3].
To change the format the quiz as displayed to students, click the Display Grade as drop-down menu [4] and select the option you prefer. To remove this quiz from final grade calculations, click the Do not count this assignment towards the final grade checkbox [5].
To grade the quiz anonymously, click the Graders cannot view student names checkbox [6]."
In the Assign To field [7], select who will be required to take the quiz. You can assign the quiz to individual students or sections.
In the Due field [8], select the due date for the quiz.
In the Available fields [9], select the availability dates for the quiz. In progress quizzes will automatically submit when the Until date and time passes.
To add a rubric to the quiz, click the Add Rubric button [10].
- You can edit multiple quiz attempt settings in Quiz Settings.
- Editing the point total does not update the score for students who have already taken the quiz and needs to be regraded.
Notify Students

Once you have edited the quiz, you can notify the students in your course that the quiz has changed by selecting the Notify users this content has changed checkbox. The notification will be sent to any students who have enabled the Course Content option in their notification settings, including students who have already completed the quiz.
Note: If you change the due date of the quiz, students who have enabled the Due Date option in their notification settings receive a notification, regardless of whether you select the quiz change notification checkbox.
Save Changes

To save your changes, click the Save button.