How do I edit or remove a course outcome in Improved Outcomes Management?
You can edit outcomes you have created in your course. You can also remove outcomes from your course.
This lesson displays how to edit or remove outcomes in a course within an account that has enabled the Improved Outcomes Management feature option. If the Outcomes page in your course displays differently than the images in this lesson, learn how to edit or remove outcomes in the classic Outcomes page view.
- If an outcome does not include an Edit or Delete link, it is an account level outcome or an imported outcome that cannot be edited or deleted.
- Outcomes that have been aligned with an assignment or question bank cannot be deleted unless they are removed from the assignment or question bank. Outcomes that have been used to assess a student cannot be deleted.
Open Outcomes

In Course Navigation, click the Outcomes link.
Select Outcome
Locate the outcome you want to modify [1]. In order to view your outcome, you may first need to click the outcome group [2].
Modify Outcome

To edit an outcome, click the Options icon [1]. Then click the Edit link [2].
Note: If you cannot use the Edit link for an outcome, it may be an account level outcome or an imported outcome.
Edit Outcome

You can edit the outcome's name [1], friendly name [2], description [3], and friendly description [4].
Click the Save button [5].
Modify Mastery Scale
If you have the permission to edit mastery scales, you can make changes to the default mastery scale in the Mastery tab.
Modify Mastery Calculation Method
If you have the permission to edit outcome proficiency calculations, you can make changes to calculation methods in the Calculation tab.
Remove Outcome

To remove an outcome from your course, click the Options icon [1] and click the Remove link [2].
Note: If you cannot use the Remove link for an outcome, it may be an account level outcome, an imported outcome, or an outcome aligned with an assignment or question bank.
Confirm Removal

To confirm you want to remove the outcome, click the Remove Outcome button.