How do I use a rubric to grade submissions in SpeedGrader using Enhanced Rubrics?
If you have added a rubric to an assignment, you can assess the rubric in SpeedGrader.
Outcomes Extra Credit
If your rubric includes outcomes, you may be able to assign extra points for the outcome criterion if this feature is enabled for your course. Learn how to manage feature options in the course features lesson.
- By default, rubrics are displayed in the Traditional view.
- Points must be submitted to save.
- The Assignment Enhancements feature option must be enabled for students to view the updated rubric interface with Enhanced Rubrics.
- If the steps in this lesson do not match what is displayed in your account, learn how to use a rubric to grade submissions in the Classic Rubric interface.
View Rubric

Click the View Rubric button.
Complete Rubric
For each criterion, click the rating that applies to the student's submission [1]. The selected rating displays the rating value in the Points field [2]. If a criterion includes a range, clicking a rating selects the entire range and defaults to the highest value in the range.
To select a different value within a range, type the value into the Points (pts) field [3]. You can manually enter points above the criterion maximum point value. Each criterion value adds to the student's total points [4].
To deselect a rating and revert the point value assigned, double-click the rating assigned [5].
Outcomes may also be able to support additional points. If additional points on outcomes are not retained after the rubric is saved, this feature has not been enabled for your course.
You can also add a comment for each rubric criterion by entering text in the Comment field [6].
Depending on your selected view, your rubric may display differently.
View Score

If you set your rubric for grading, the total rubric points are automatically populated in the grade field. Otherwise, you can enter the grade from the rubric manually.
View Student's Self Assessment

If you set the rubric Self-Assessment feature, the View Student Self Assessment toggle is enabled [1]. You can view student comments [2], the students self-assessment (with green solid line) [3], and your assessment for the submission (with green broken line) [4].
Note: By default, the View Student Self Assessment toggle is disabled.