How do I create self sign-up groups in a group set?
Self sign-up groups allow users to choose the group they want to be in as part of a group set. You can also limit the number of members who can sign up for each group.
- You may have to change the group settings later if you want to prevent students from switching sections.
- Students are unable to sign up for groups if the People link has been hidden from Course Navigation.
Open People

In Course Navigation, click the People link.
Add Group Set

Click the Add Group Set button.
Allow Self Sign-up

Create a name for the group set in the Group Set Name text field [1]. Click the Allow self sign-up checkbox [2].
Save Group Set

If you want to require group members to be in the same section, click the Require group members to be in the same section checkbox [1].
Next to the Group Structure heading, enter the number of groups you would like to create [2]. You can create more groups at a later time, if necessary. You can also use the arrows in the number field to increase or decrease the number.
Click the Save button [3].
Note: Groups will be automatically named based on the group set name.
View Groups
View your new groups in your group set [1]. Verify your self sign-up group underneath the group title and group settings [2].