How do I view and manage grading schemes in a course?
If you want to enable a grading scheme for a course or specific assignments in the course, you can manage grading schemes for the course. Your institution may have already created grading schemes that you can use in your course, or you can add a new grading scheme. You can also edit and delete grading schemes that you create if necessary.
Open Settings

In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.
Open Course Details

Click the Course Details tab.
Enable Grading Scheme

Click the Enable course grading scheme checkbox.
View Grading Scheme

To view a grading scheme, click the Grading Scheme drop-down menu [1]. Then click the View button [2].
Manage All Grading Schemes

To copy and duplicate the grading scheme, click the Copy button [1].
To add a new grading scheme, click the Add New Grading Scheme button [2].
To manage the grading schemes, click the Manage All Grading Schemes link [3].
View All Grading Schemes
The Grading Schemes page displays the default grading scheme, grading schemes you created, and archived course grading schemes.
Manage Grading Schemes
To search for a grading scheme, enter the name in the Search... field [1].
To open a grading scheme, click the grading scheme's name [2].
To sort grading schemes alphabetically (ascending or descending), click the Arrow icon [3].
To duplicate the grading scheme, click the Duplicate icon [4].
To edit a grading scheme, click the Edit icon [5].
To archive a grading scheme, click the Archive icon [6].
To delete a grading scheme, click the Delete icon [7].
To unarchive a grading scheme, click the Unarchive icon [8].
- You can only edit or delete grading schemes that you have created for your course. Only users with admin permissions can edit or delete grading schemes created at the account level. If you do not have permission to manage an account grading scheme, the icons are grayed out.
- If you delete or archive a grading scheme that is enabled as the course grading scheme or added to an assignment, the grading scheme will still be retained unless another scheme is selected.
- You cannot edit a grading scheme if it has been used to grade student submissions.
- Editing the name and description of grading schemes currently in use does not allow edits to percentages or points in the grading scheme.
- A grading scheme established at the course level cannot be deleted, archived, or edited at the account level.
- A grading scheme created at the account level cannot be deleted, archived, or edited at the course level.
- If a grading scheme is used to grade a student in a course, you cannot delete the scheme from the course.
- A grading scheme in use can be archived and then restored to an active state.
- An archived grading scheme cannot be leveraged in the future by a course or assignment unless the scheme is restored.
- You cannot edit, archive, or delete the Default Canvas Grading Scheme.
- When copying or exporting a course, archived default grading schemes are not copied or exported.