How do I sign up for a new Free-for-Teacher Canvas account as an instructor?

If you do not already have a Canvas account, you need to create an account before you can log in to Canvas.

If you are using Canvas through your institution, you will most likely already have an account and need to accept a course invitation. Your institution will email your login information. If you do not yet have an account, you can create an account when you accept the course invitation. If your institution is using Canvas and you are having trouble with your account, contact your administrator for assistance.

If your institution is not using Canvas, you can create your own account, also known as a free-for-teacher account, to create your own courses.


Enter URL

Create Your Own Account

Enter your Canvas registration URL (e.g. into your browser.

Create Canvas Account

Create Canvas Account

Click the create an account link.

Sign Up As a Teacher

Select Teacher Account Type

Click the Teacher button.

Create Your Account

Create Your Account

To sign up for a free Canvas teacher account, enter your email in the Email Address field [1] and name in the Full Name field [2].

Click the You agree to the terms of use checkbox to agree to the terms of use [3].

Click the I'm not a robot checkbox and complete the Captcha form [4].

Click the Next button [5] to continue.

View Canvas Account

View Canvas Account

You will be automatically logged into your Canvas account. To view Canvas, click the Get Started button.

Finish Registration

Finish Registration

To finish registering for Canvas, log into your email account. Locate the registration email and click the Click here to finish the registration process link.

Create Password

Create Password

Enter a password for your account in the Password field [1]. Select your time zone in the Time Zone drop-down menu [2]. Then click the Register button [3].