How do I view my instructor groups in Canvas?
As an instructor, you may be part of institutional groups created by your Canvas admins. Canvas helps you access your instructor groups in the Course Navigation menu. If you do not see any groups listed, you have not been enrolled in a group.
Note: Instructor groups are separate from course groups. You can access and manage course groups from within a course.
Open Groups

In Global Navigation, click the Groups link [1], then view your groups [2]. To view all your groups, click the All Groups link [3].
View Groups

Groups are organized into Current Groups [1] and Previous Groups [2].
View Current Groups

Current Groups are groups in courses that are part of the current semester or term. You can view the name of the group [1] and the course name for the group [2]. If a course includes a term date [3], the term date displays next to the course name. Depending on access settings for a course, Current Groups can also display groups in courses that have been published but have not yet started.
Groups that are available to you are listed in blue text [4]. These groups are associated with current courses. To open a group, click the name of the group.
View Previous Groups

Groups under the Previous Groups heading are groups that are part of courses that have concluded. If the group includes a link, the group is still available as a read-only archived group. Prior users can view group material but cannot participate in the group.